Jeans for Genes Week -Wear your Jeans on Friday, 20th September, and donate £2 to support those living with a genetic condition

Year 4 & 5

A warm welcome to Year 4 and Year 5 pupils and parents/carers to  the new autumn term 2024!!
Please have a look at the curriculum maps to see all the topics we will be learning.
For this half term, both Year 4 and 5 will commence Religious Education looking at the miracles of Jesus. In History, we will have a focus on Black History Month, studying Ancient Benin.
In Science, Year 4 will be exploring States of Matter and Year 5 Forces.
From Tricia and Yasmin.
 Current Curriculum and Sticky Knowledge mats
Class Timetable
Reading corner
At SJOJ we love reading.
Reading is enjoyable and allows all learners to explore and have creative minds.
Please make sure that your child reads on a daily basis a range of genres of books - fiction, non-fiction, adventure, historical, traditional tales, myths and legends, etc. 
Homework/Home Learning Corner:
 Homework will be set every Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.
 Homework will relate to taught areas of the curriculum in the current week to give your child an opportunity to practise skills taught.
Homework will sometimes be set using Purple Mash. Please make sure that you have your logins.
Useful resources to support learning